Belonging - Celebrating Black History & Blackness In Switzerland

The literature on Black history in Switzerland is in its formative stages, still celebrating the known history Afro-descendant people within the region is important for our families. By engaging with and celebrating Black history in Switzerland we have the opportunity to connect our children to others possibly mirroring their lived experience.

While the information and conversation around the lived experiences of the Black or Afro-descendant persons is developing we must at this point highlight the efforts by the likes of Afro Basel, Bokobo Kids, Colonial Local, Jovita Dos Santos, Rachel Mbon, Black Switzerland Online Archive , Zurich Colonial and VODA (trigger warning*), along with many others we are still to learn of.

In celebrating the experiences of those that came before, or have taken up space in the public forum we learn from their experiences. And, as parents of Afro-descent children we play a crucial role in promoting an appreciation and understanding of Afroswiss and/or Afropean narratives for the laying of a balanced cultural foundation which is important in the development our children’s multi-hyphenate identities.

Below are examples of ways to celebrate Black history as a multicultural family with African heritage in Switzerland, more so beyond Black History month:

Family meals - Host a themed family meal to celebrate an aspect of African/Diaspora history. This can be a way to share stories, learn about unique aspects of African and/or diaspora heritage while sharing an aspect of your families heritage with wider family.

Community events - Attend community events that care for and champion Afroswiss and/or Afropean experiences, contributions and culture, this provides an opportunity to learn and build a sense of connection to the larger Afroswiss community.

Education and learning - Encourage education and learning about Afroswiss and/or Afropean history and culture within your family unit. You can make use of books, documentaries, news, digital media and tailor the learning to your family dynamic - added benefit you get to learn with your little ones.

Cultural events - Attend cultural events such as concerts, festivals, exhibitions, performances or fashion shows, these provide the opportunity to support and celebrate the rich and diverse contributions and heritage of Afroswiss communities in Switzerland.

Travel and exploration - Visit places of historical and cultural significance for Afro-descent people in Switzerland, or Black cultural centres. This is another step in understanding and engaging with the Black lived experience in Switzerland.

Overall celebrating Black history as a multiculral family of African/Diaspora heritage creates an awareness of the experiences, contributions of Black persons in Switzerland, promotes a sense of community and connection for us and our children. By recognising and celebrating the contributions and heritage of the diverse Black communities in Switzerland, we as parents can work at better equipping our Afro-descent children with a balanced cultural identity and stronger sense of self.

How are you are celebrating Black history within your family? What advice do you have? Share with us:

*Visually degrading images depicting humans in captivity.


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