Check out our growing selection of books, toys, and games featuring BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) protagonists, catering to various ages and interests. This initiative supports our mission to create spaces where our Afro-descent children feel seen and valued, highlighting the theme of representation. Our library is developing a centralized database of the books, toys, and games we love. We do not benefit financially from any promotion or link navigation.
What We Are Reading - Kids
Share your favourites and let us grow our collective library:
I AM Whole - Shola Oz
We All Belong: A Children’s Book About Diversity, Race And Empathy - Nathalie Goss, Alex Goss
Ich Bin Anders Als Du / Ich bin wie du: Das Große Bilderbuch Zum Vor - Und Mitlesen - Constanze Von Kitzing
Hair Love - Matthew A. Cherry
Skin We Are In - Sindiwe Magona, Nina G. Jablonski
I am Mixed - Garcelle Beauvais, Sebastian A. Jones
Angst Haben, Macht Doch Nix - Rachel Rooney, Zehra Hicks
Deckle Drauf Und Aufbewahrt - Vera Brosgol
Die Farbe von Zitronen - Kenisha Sneed
I Am Enough - Grace Byers
Genau Wie Ich - Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Le Petit Jardiner Extraordinaire - Sam Boughton
The Little Mermaid, The Novelization - Faith Noelle
My Hair, My Choice - Claudia Bruce Quartey
Alexa What Color Are You - Dr. Kimberly Ortiz-Hartman
The Hair Book - Latonya Yvette, Amanda Jane Jones
Don’t Touch My Hair - Sharee Miller
Was Du Nicht Alles Kannst - Davina Bell
Bunheads - Misty Copeland
Last Stop On Market Street - Mat De la Peña
Our Skin - Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli
Be Boy Buzz - bell hooks
Erstes Aufklappen und Verstehen: Was ist Rassismus? - Katie Daynes, Jordan Akpojaro
Clean Up! - Nathan Bryon
Say Hello - Rachel Isadora
The Little Book Of Joy - Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu
Little Leaders, Mutige Frauen Der Schwarzen Geschichte - Vashti Harrison
What We Are Reading - Parents
Share your favourites and let us grow our collective library:
Afrokids: Ein Ratgeber fur die ersten Lebensjahre Schwarzer Kinder - Olaolu Fajembola
Half and Half: Writers On Growing Up Biracial And Bicultural - Claudine Chiawei O’Hearn
Mixed Up: Confessions Of An Interracial Couple - Tineka Smith & Alex Court
Exit Racism: Rassismuskritisch Denken Lernen - Tupoka Odette
Raising Multiracial Children: Tools For Nuturing Identity In A Racialised World - Farzana Nayani
Token Black Girl - Daniel Prescod
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum
Black Heros: Schwarz, Deutch , Erfolgreich - Guy Kabengele & Kerstin Finkelstein
"You Are Enough: Mixed Girls Edition - Rochelle Armstrong
Cocoa Girl Awesome Hair - Selina Boyd
Der Sommer, in dem ich Schwarz wurde - Angélique Beldner, Martin R. Dean
Same Family, Different Colors: Confronting Colorise In America’s Diverse Families - Lori I. Tharps
Mixed/Other: Reflections Of Multiracialty in Modern Britain - Natalie Morris
Raceless: In Search Of Family, The Truth About Where I Belong - Georgina Lawton
Born A Crime: Stories from A South African Childhood - Trevor Noah
The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennet
Dreams From My Father - Barack Obama
The Mixed Race Experience -Naomi Evans, Natalie Evans
No To Racism, Grundlagen für eine rassismuskritische Schulkultur - Rahel El-Maawi, Mani Owzar, Tilo Bur
Admissions - Kendra James
Toys & Games We Play
Share your favourites and let us grow our collective toy library:
Puppenfamilie - Schwarz
Puppen Villa mit Familie
Zuri - Schwarze Puppe
Imany - Schwarze Puppe
Charlene Supermodel - With Cosmetics
Miniland - Latin American Baby
Lundy - Biegepuppen Älteres
Lundby Puppen - Family of Color
Family Coloring Book
Tinyly - Poppy and Nouk
Lego - Shuris Labor
Fingerstempeln - Einhörner und Feen
Regenbogen - Feen
Original My Friend Plush Doll