Identity Development - M. P. P. Root
Critical race theorist and Mixed race identity advocate and researcher M.P.P. Root conducted research on the identity development of Mixed persons as part of research paper Resolutions of Biracial Identity Tensions, 1990.
The research was born out of a desire to understand how a Mixed race person deals with the tension resulting from their diverse ethnic background and propose a model(s) for resolution and/or consolidation of the multiple ethnic identities. The driving goal is in aiding the Mixed person in living and maintaining a positive, stable self-image.
Below is an overview of the paper, Resolutions of Biracial Identity Tensions, 1990 by Roots:
Acceptance of the identity society assigns: identifying with the group into which others assume the biracial individual most belongs, usually with family support.
Identification with both racial groups: Identify with both (or all) heritage groups, depending on social and personal support.
Identification with a single racial group: Choosing one group, independent of social pressure, to identify himself or herself in a particular way.
Identification as a new racial group: Move fluidly among racial groups but identifies most strongly with other biracial people, regardless of specific heritage backgrounds.
The findings from the research inform our parenting so that we are better able to support our Mixed children in their identity development. Our aim has and will always be in raising empowered, stable children armed with the tools and language to assert their individual identity, as well as live their truth.
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